T.WO Touch Soccer offers high-quality team training on a year-round basis, designed to aid and facilitate the development of teams and players throughout their youth soccer ‘career.’
The basis of our quality is continuity of training. With T.WO Touch Soccer, you can feel comfortable that you are utilizing the service of a professional staff trainer, not a transient seasonal coach. We believe that continuity of training is critical to long-term development of players.
We can offer the following services to your travel team or club:
Employ a T.WO Touch Soccer Professional to guide the game day coaching; prepare the team with a warm up and pre-game instruction, provide feedback during the game and establish / modify tactics during the game. T.WO Touch Soccer trainers are available on a full-time (every game) or a part-time (specific number) basis.
Available for weekly, twice-weekly or thrice-weekly training sessions, our professional trainers will design and implement a structured, age appropriate and motivating training curriculum for your team. We encourage close relationships between coach and trainer, to ensure communication lines are open and constantly used to give feedback and guidance to the development of the players.